Saturday 31 July 2010

The Abysmal Kapoor/Arcelor-Mittal Monstrosity / Olympic Site!

Well, see below & if you feel that way, lodge your objections to this useless monstrosity. What might be heaven would be a vertical glass tower - Thames estuary light highest level in the UK - that combines a new Kew Gardens / food plant greenhouse, yes - vertical & hydroponic [ see] with mid & top floor viewing / restaurants. The entire heating / electricity from autothermal, thermophilic, aerobic digestion [ see: the remarkable www.vertal - 75,000 tons of garbage - which would be landfill/methane - producing 20,000 tons of high potency compost/
1 ton in 72hours!]. Building and area to be designed by someone truly great - Tadeo Ando for one. Please hammer this home to BoJo et al.

Subject: Re: PublicAccess for Planning - Application Comments

Ha ha Papa

I'm going to put your objection on my blog. It's brilliant!* 

* That's my darling Daughter - Astrid ....

Hi! Ya'll. If you haven't seen the ArcelorMittal Orbit [ the brazen
title of the pile of useful steel dumped on us all ] then take a look
& unless it blows yr skirt up SEND YR OBJECTIONS - [see ours below ]
- I missed out - say, " a rendering of the dna spiral by a
drunk Maggi Hambling, based on her being giddy after the wave
paintings ... etc. It really is VILE - & a horrific waste of steel to
serve ego's & pretension - An insult to Duchamp, Futurism, Vorticist &
Boy's Own ' War of The Worlds' illustrators everywhere and all of us.
Don't let them lumber us! Mad as hell & not going to take it anymore /

Here's who you object to:

Jacky Harding
Project Co-ordinator
Olympic Delivery Authority - Planning Decisions Team
Mailpoint 32B - 23rd Floor, 1 Churchill Place London E14 5LN
Switchboard 020 3373 9530  Fax 020 8430 6021
Direct Dial 020 3373 9536 Mobile 07969 862582

-----Original Message----- -------------------
Application Number:

Within The Concourse Of Planning Delivery Zone 2 To The North-East Of
Bridge H04

The construction of a Sculpture for the Olympic & Paralympic Games
and Legacy phases including two observation/viewing platforms (sui
generis with ancillary A1 and A3 café use), entrance pavilion, hard
and soft landscaping including crowd control measures and a plaque,
surface and foul water drainage, plant compound, lighting, blue badge car parking and access to and servicing of the sculpture. Preparatory
works for the application site to include remediation and ground
works and laying of a utilities corridor.

Case Officer: Ms Victoria Crosby>

Submission Type:
Customer objects to the Planning Application.

In our time we have seen some vacuous bombast from mr. kapoor, but
this is literally, astonishing in it's incoherence. The metallic
surface/colour is that seen on pound shop flasks. The utter lack of
any indication of form/function/dynamic [ see adjacent stadium &
Thames basin light] and 'Connecting' with the senses.The 'movement'
of the whole - it's energy, is that of a coat-whirling lout,drunk on
cider  at an Iron Maiden gig - circa 1980., or a Hammer Throw gone
very,very, wrong. Within the context of the site it looks as if a
rogue scrap merchant has dumped this overnight, to despoil a site as
would the worst of graffiti on a clean building. What is required is
a clean simplicity that does reach for the stars - as does the
'Shard' . The very sight of the 'orbit' brings a shudder engendered
by the worst of totalitarian monsters, the ethos of threat,
oppression and thuggish dogma. Even the base entrance/platform is a
dull hostile box - 1950's army barracks. An accident that looks as if
has already happened, or is delayed in time. Vulgar to the point of
insult. No remarkable after olympic function, such as a self sustaining
hydroponic / plant / food greenhouse with restaurants in the sky -
Even though sheathed in lurid metallic lustre, being steel, it will eat
up maintainence funds when the east winds prevail October thru April.
I'm sorry, but we object and in the strongest terms possible. Thank you -

But, Wait! There's More ..... Sun.Times 1st August - Chris Gourlay
reports: 'Steel magnates feel the pull of Olympic follies'
Ratan Tata, owner of Corus/Landrover/Jaguar proposes a 360ft
arch with glass viewing platform, modestly 17ft shorter than the
atrocity listed above. YouTube will soon be running naughty
'no knickers' clips as the glass platform ascends/descends
with a tourist swarm aboard the window of opportunism.
It's to be placed in the on the site at Aldgate so we can all see
what those bsd's are up to in the Heron Tower penthouses.
It will dwarf the dopey swollen black thumb of the 'gherkin'.
It will solve the problem highlighted in the old music-hall
ditty " .... Wiv a ladder an' sum glasses - You kin see to
'Ackney Marshes - If it wasn't for the 'ouses hin between"
Both Rajan & Mittal should look closely at Coleridge's
"Kubla Khan" or ' a vision in a dream' [1816] - The sole
redeeming feature of Tata's folly is it's [maybe] £18mill.
cheaper than the Kapoor/Mittal 'crumpled trumpet',
dis-gracing the Olympic site / Thames delta -
Stephen Bayley [ no nonsense design critic ] ' What are
all these mega-sculptures being commissioned for?
This stuff is not art - it apes art but is driven by vanity.'
Quite that. Bollywood/Dubai Bling-Blong-Got It Flaunt It
Mr. Money-Blags Monuments. Mayor BoJo says both
horrors are an 'emblem of London's dynamism'.
No. That's you Boris - Not the ' New Ironmasters'
rubbish you so hastily seem to admire. Take that
steel & glass and build an amazing bridge linking the
Capital to Kent ... Get a real view of it all from that.

Image below ... Go to next Post / The Legend Lives -

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